Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Arts streams, figures, and Examples of Work

The history of civilization can not be separated, because basically

among the nation's art of giving and receiving influences. but for
makes it easy to learn should be held grouping.

Chronologically foreign art history / world can be grouped as follows.
Ancient Eastern Arts 1.Seni
a.Seni Egypt.
b.Seni Mesopotamia.
c.Seni Mediterranean.
2.Seni Classical European Art.
a.Seni Greece
b.Seni Roman.
3.Seni Middle Ages.
The a.Seni Pembenyukan
b.Seni Gemilang period.
c.Seni period of decline.
4.Seni Renaissance
a.Seni Renaissance.
b.Seni Baroque.
c.Seni Rococo.
5.Seni Modern  

Scientists say that the modern Western art is basically derived from Greek and Roman times
called the Classical era. Greek culture was brought to Western Europe via Rome.
The development of science and technology at the beginning of the 19th century led to the emergence of various
product. This situation finally changed many aspects of human life, not least in the field of fine arts.
Attention humans tend to things that are material, this leads to rebellion
artists. Rebellion artists manifested in the forms of creativity, so in the world
development of art born in the schools of art menerusakan each other or against the flow-
previous flow.

The outbreak of the French revolution in 1789, is the end point of the power of feudalism in France whose influence was also to other parts of the world. This revolution not only change the political and social order, but also about the art of life. The artists be free to indulge in their vocation, where they work not because of the order, but merely wanted to paint it.

So thus began a history of modern painting in history characterized by individualization and self-isolation. Jacques Louis David was the scene of the first modern painter. In 1784, David describes "HORATII SWEAR". This painting illustrates Horatius, the father who was standing in the middle of the room was an oath three sons are clustered on the left, while his daughter crying on the right.

Painting is not used for pleasure, but to educate, instill awareness of community members on their responsibilities to the State. J.L. David is a pioneer of flow Neo-Classical, Neo-Classical paintings which are rational, objective, full of discipline and irregular, and is a classic.

Characteristics Neo-Classical Painting:
a.Lukisan tied to the norms of academic intellectuals.
b.Bentuk always balanced and harmonious.
c.Batasan the border colors are clean and static.
d.Raut tranquil and memorable glorious face.
e.Berisi story of the palace.
f.Cenderung overstated.

Prominent successor J.L. David is in the Neo-Classical Auguast JEAN DOMINIQUE Ingres (1780-1867)

2.Romantik Flow
Romantik flow is rebellion against Neo-Classical stream, where Jean Jacques Rousseau invited back to nature, as people who not only have a mind but also have feelings and emotions.

Romanesque paintings tend to show:
Things dealing with feelings (highly contested in the flow of Neo-Classical)
Exotic, longing for the past
Used to the feeling of the audience
Beauty and good looks are always depicted

The characteristics of the flow of Romance as follows:
a.Lukisan contains a powerful and emotional story.
b.Penuh motion and dynamic.
c.Warna are contrast and vibrant.
d.Pengaturan dynamic composition.
e.Mengandung bitterness and touching.
f.Kedahsyatan exceeds reality.

Tokhnya Prominent among others:
a.Eugene Delacroix
b.Theodore Gericault
c.Jean Baptiste
d.Jean Francois Millet

Leaders who truly rebellious and first plugged banner romance is Teodoro Gericault (1791-1824) with his work entitled "RAFT MENDUSA". Romanticism derived from French "Roman" (story), so that the flow is always depict a story of how great or a terrible tragedy.

3.Realism Flow
Realism is a school that sees the world without illusions, they use appreciation to discover the world. One of a character named Realism "Courbet" from France says:

"Show me ANGELS TO ME, THEN I WILL paint it, meaning he would not paint something that is not shown to him (something that is not real / real). Realism always describe what he encountered indiscriminately and without any idealization, distortion or other processing-processing. Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) considers that the painting was essentially concrete art. Courbet's paintings always show the bitter realities of life such as "Painting Stone Breaker" etc..

Leaders: Jean Francois Millet and Honore Daumier.

4.Naturalism Flow
Naturalism is the stream flow love and adore nature with all its contents. Adherents of this school attempted to describe the state of nature, especially from the aspect of interest, so it is always themed paintings Naturalism natural beauty and its contents. Monet is one of the prominent painters Naturalism, but sometimes approaching Realism paintings. Although the naturalistic paintings Monet approaching realism, but it is very different from Gustave Courbert as figure painting realism.

Courbert socialistic realism that morality is high enough, while Monet realism tends to portray the beautiful picturesque and immoral, because Monet principle is "art for the sake of art, not for anything. The painter Naturalism is often dubbed as the landscape painter. Naturalism figures from the UK are Gainsbrough Thomas (1727-1788).

Characters such as John Constable, William Hogart, Frans Hall.

5.Imperssionism Flow
When people hear the term Impressionism, the associations they usually focused on the impressive paintings, the paintings are rather vague and not detailed. Claud Monet not figure impressionism, but the flow of impressionism much inspired by the discoveries in every Claud Monet paintings. A figure of French impressionism named Piere Auguste Renoir (1841-1919).

The painter was very fond of painting women, both clothed and naked. Impressionist paintings heavily influenced by the weather, because the painting done outside the studio. Impressionist paintings do not usually have a clear and visible contours only color effects that make up a particular form.

Characters: Eduard Manet, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Degas Edward and Mary Cassat.

6.Expressionism Flow
In the 1990s, artists began not satisfied with the work that only accentuate the forms of objects. They started digging the things related to the mind, so comes the flow of expressionism. Vincent Van Gogh (1850) is a figure that became a milestone in the emergence of expressionism flow and other figures that follow are Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Emil Nolde and in Indonesia, Affandi. Expressionism is a actuality depict flow is distorted toward the atmosphere of sadness, violence or distress.

Vanguard is Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Klee, Emile Nolde, W. Kandinsky and Edvard Munch.

7.Fauvism Flow
Fauvism name comes from the French study "Les Fauves", which means wild animals. Fauvism flow greatly cherish freedom of expression, so many objects paintings made in contrast to the original as 0ranye/jingga or other colored trees. Fauvis paintings truly free yourself from the constraints of the previous flow.

Fauvism painters tend to paint what they like without thinking about the content and meaning of a painting is made. Maurice De Vlaminck, a character inspired by Fauvism many color scratches Vincent Van Gogh, to the extent that he said; I love Van Gogh's more than my father.

Among other things the characters Henr y Matisse, Andre
Derain, Maurice de Vlaminc.

8.Cubism Flow
Cubism background by Paul Cezanne that mengatakanbahwa concepts form the basis of any form is cylindrical, spherical, beam and all that is in the form influenced by perspective, so that the field focused on one central point. Picasso became insfirasi emergence Cubist works, because the geometric patterns used by Picasso.

Cubist paintings forward germetris forms. Figures are very famous cubism of Picasso and Paul Cezanne, but in addition to these two characters are still many others who embraced Cubism figures such as Juan Gris, etc..

9.AbtraksionisAbstraksionime flow is the flow that try to escape from those sensations or figurative asosiasis an object. Abstraksionis flow to differentiate into two.
Abstract kubistis

That is purely abstract geometric shapes such as circles and triangles cube
Aliraran figure is derived from the Russian Malivich [1913]
Abstract Nonfiguratif

That is abstract in the sense that art must be pure as ugkapan feeling, where lines represent lines, colors represent the colors and so on. Natural form abandoned altogether. Characters are Wassily Kadinsky, Naum Goba.

10.Appeared Flow
Flow appeared in the Italian Futurists in 1909, as a reaction to Cubism considered full dynamic motion, because it tends to portray the theme such as busy-busy, party procession, war etc..

Flow figures include:
Carlo Carra
Buido Severini
Umbirto Boccioni
F.T Marineti

11.Dadaisme Flow
Opus dadaisme flow is the flow of insurgents concept of the concept before. This flow mepunyai attitude liberate themselves from the laws that have been enacted art. This flow characteristic cynicism, nil and trying meleyapkan illusion. This flow background by the first world war that would not stop.

War unflagging who suggests the loss of the social value of the aesthetic value of the earth, so that there is no aesthetic opus dadaisme view the artwork. Dadisme figure is Paul klee, Scwitters Tritan Tzara, Janco etc. Maron.

12.Surreal Flow
Surreal flow much influenced by the theory of psychological analysis. Sigmund Freud about the unconscious and dreams anatomisme. Surrealism often appear illogical and full of fantasy, as if painted in a dream.

Surreal figures are
Salvador Dali
Ernest Maxt
Jona Mirod

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